Thursday, September 2, 2010

Contrast and discuss the enrolment input form (PRF) with the enrolment university interface.

The (PRF), or Pre Registration Form is used to get an input from the student. It is a form that will be filled up by the students to provide the necessary information needed for enrollment process. Pre Registration Form is always use every semester during enrollment. It a form where the students put the information needed in the enrollment process like name, college, course, gender, and ID number. The students also put there the code, subject name, subject description of the subjects that the student will take in the current semester, how many units each of the subjects, the schedule of the subject that includes the time, day and room. Before the encoder encodes the information, the Pre Registration Form must have a signature of the student’s adviser to make sure that the student is qualify or valid to take the subject written in the Pre Registration Form.

The enrollment university interface is part of the automated enrollment system of the university where interaction of the user and the system starts. It is the display on the screen that is made with many commands. The enrollment university interface is where the data from the Pre Registration Form is transferred and stored. The user of the enrollment university interface is the encoder. The encoder is the only person who has the authority to manipulate the system. The students have no role in this part (manipulating the system) but the students are part of how the system process because the information that will be inputted in the system came from the students.

The Pre Registration Form and the enrollment university interface are related to each other because they both have the same data, and that data comes from the student. The difference is, in the Pre Registration Form the data are can be compiled and kept but during the retrieval of data Pre Registration Form consumes a lot of time compared to enrollment university interface. While, in the enrollment university interface retrieval of data in seconds is possible, other manipulation is also possible like edit, delete.

With regards to the appearance of the Pre Registration Form and the enrollment university interface, I can say that they must be in the same format. Why? So that it would be easier to the encoder to put the data that are based from the Pre Registration Form, transferred to the enrollment university interface. If the Pre Registration Form and the enrollment university interface appearance were not similar, the information stored is prone to errors and it would lead to an issue of data integrity.

As what I’ve observe in the Pre Registration Form and the enrollment university interface, they are not really similarly. Like in the Pre Registration Form name was the first field to be inputted but in the enrollment university interface ID number was the first. Another fact is, there was a field in the Pre Registration Form that if the student is employed, the student will put the address of the employer, I can say that it is better not to include that field because it does not make sense and when I look at the enrollment university interface there was no field like that. The same as in the Scholarship field at the Pre Registration Form, I cannot find that scholarship field at the enrollment university interface. The room field, time field, day field and also the section field both have different position at Pre Registration Form and the enrollment university interface.

I think the encoder would have a hard time encoding those thousands of information every enrollment, and even though the encoder is used to that kind of format there is a high risk of error. The problem is just a format and placement of the field at Pre Registration Form and enrollment university interface but it place a vital role when enrollment is conducted because when the encoder encode a wrong data it would consume time to edit the data and it would cause a long enrollment process.

I recommend that it would be better if the university would change the Pre Registration Form and based the placing format to the enrollment university interface so that it would be easier to encode and can have less time than the previous enrollment.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Interview your university network specialist.

Interview your university network specialist. Ask how various parts of the system communicates with each other throughout the university. (Q) Given the chance to redesign the existing setup, enumerate and discuss your keypoints for an effective and efficient network environment ideal for the university.

Our interview with the university network specialist was supposed to be a class discussion with him. But because of some unfortunate events he just told us to submit a questionnaire. He had discussed in his answer the components involved in the system. Also the other people involve in the some network task in the university namely Sir Fortitch and Ma’am Mercado. These are the complete words that he answered:

***What are the components involved in the system(s) in the university? (hardware, software, technology, etc.)

· I am not in the right position to discuss the details of the software components used as there are other assigned personnel for such job. However, talking about hardware component and technology used, basically I, assigned as the network administrator, is entrusted to maintain our different servers to run 24/7. Currently, we have our Web Server hosted here in our University in our HP ProLiant ML350 Server. Its an old but stable server set-up here in our Networks Office and has been active since Engr. Val A. Quimno , not yet a dean, was appointed as the Network Administrator. The said server has the following specification:

· Intel Xeon 3.0 GHz, 3.2 GHz, or 3.4 GHz processors (dual processor capability) with 1MB level 2 cache standard. Processors include support for Hyper-Threading and Extended Memory 64 Technology (EM64T)

· Intel® E7520 chipset

· 800-MHz Front Side Bus

· Integrated Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI Adapter

· Smart Array 641 Controller (standard in Array Models only)

· NC7761 PCI Gigabit NIC (embedded)

· Up to 1 GB of PC2700 DDR SDRAM with Advanced ECC capabilities (Expandable to 8 GB)

· Six expansion slots: one 64-bit/133-MHz PCI-X, two 64-bit/100-MHz PCI-X, one 64-bit/66-MHz PCI-X, one x4 PCI-Express, and one x8 PCI-Express

· New HP Power Regulator for ProLiant delivering server level, policy based power management with industry leading energy efficiency and savings on system power and cooling costs

· Three USB ports: 1 front, 1 internal, 1 rear

· Support for Ultra320 SCSI hard drives (six hot plug or four non-hot plug drives supported standard, model dependent)

· Internalstorage capacity of up to 1.8TB; 2.4TB with optional 2-bay hot plug SCSI drive

· 725W Hot-Plug Power Supply (standard, most models); optional 725W Hot-Pluggable Redundant Power Supply (1+1) available. Non hot plug SCSI models include a 460W non-hot plug power supply.

· Tool-free chassis entry and component access

· Support for ROM based setup utility (RBSU) and redundant ROM

· Systems Insight Manager, SmartStart, and Automatic Server Recovery 2 (ASR-2) included

· Protected by HP Services and a worldwide network of resellers and service providers. Three-year Next Business Day, on-site limited global warranty. Certain restrictions and exclusions apply. Pre-Failure Notification on processors, memory, and SCSI hard drives.

Aside from it, our mail server running under Compaq Proliant ML330 Server, our oldest server, is also hosted here in our Networks Office. Together with other Servers, such as Proxy and Enrollment Servers, both proxy and our enrollment servers are running in a microcomputer/personal computers but with higher specifications to act as servers.

He had discussed in his answer how servers are connected and also the topology, network connectivity, and also protocols. He also discussed the data flow. These are the complete words that he answered:

***How do these communicate with one another? (topology, network connectivity, protocols, etc.) – may include data flow/ UML diagrams to better explain.

All Servers are connected in a shared medium grouped as one subnetwork. In general, our network follows the extended star topology which is connected to a DUAL WAN Router that serves as the load balancer between our two Internet Service Providers. All other workstations are grouped into different subnetworks as in star topology branching out from our servers subnetwork as in extended star topology. At present, we are making use of class C IP Address for private IP address assignments. Other workstations IP assignments are configured statically (example: laboratories) while others are Dynamic (example: offices). All workstations are connected via our proxy servers that do some basic filtering/firewall to control users access to the internet aside from router filtering/firewall management. So, whenever any workstation has to connect to the internet, it has to pass through software and hardware based firewall.

***What are the processes involved in the communication (each system to other systems)?

As mentioned above, in item 3, all workstations are connected via a proxy server. It means that whenever a workstation is turned on, it requests for an IP address from the proxy server (for dynamically configured IP address) and connect to the network after IP address is acquired. As connection is established, each system can now communicate and share resources within the same subnetwork and to server following the concepts discuss in your Computer Network Class.

***How do you go along with the maintenance of the system?

Basically, our servers are expected to be in good condition since it is required to be up 24/7. Daily, during my vacant period, monitoring on the servers are observed that includes checking logs, checking hardware performance such as CPU health, etc. If problems are observed, remedies are then and then applied. Once in a week, regular overall checkup is observed as preventive maintenance to ensure not to experience longer downtime if possible.

***Does the system follow a specific standard? Explain Please.

As I was appointed as the Network Administrator, everything was already in place except for some minor changes. Basically, different networking standards was already observed such as cabling standards, TIA/EIA 568A-B, different IEEE standards as discussed in your Computer Networks Subject, etc.

***How is the security of the system? Are there any vulnerabilities? Risks? Corresponding mitigation techniques? Access control?

As I have mentioned, we have implemented both software and hardware based filtering/firewall. Basically, Risks or vulnerabilities and different mitigation techniques were considered to increase security in our network. Aside from filtering/firewall, constant monitoring on networks activity also increases the security of the system.

***Are there any interference? During what (most) times do these occur? Explain their effects especially with regards to the business of the university?

Major Interferences are normally encountered as an effect of unforeseen and beyond our control events such as black outs, and the like. The said interference would of course affect University’s day-to-day businesses for obviously this will paralyze all our activities that rely on electricity and further this might cause damage on our network devices, etc. that may later be the reason for longer downtime. Problems encountered by our providers such as connection to the National/International Gateway also affect University’s business such as correlating to University’s Business Partners outside and within the country.

Security is the key consideration for the converged network platform. Using all the tools, both technological and procedural, in the network administrator’s armoury to defeat unauthorised access to company information and systems. In addition, organizations must create and implement policies for the deployment and operation of network security, and consider the potential risks from an enterprise-wide perspective.

According to

Efficient Networks is a worldwide developer and supplier of high-speed digital subscriber line customer premises equipment, or CPE, for the broadband access market.Efficient was ranked as the number one supplier of DSL customer premises equipment in terms of both revenues and number of units shipped in both of those periods.The amount of data being carried over the Internet and private communications networks has grown dramatically and is expected to continue to grow as the number of users accessing these networks increases. The increase in the quantity of data being carried over the Internet and private networks also is being driven by the broadening range of activities for which these networks are being used. In order to enhance their reach to customers and suppliers, businesses are increasingly engaging in mission-critical Internet-based applications, such as electronic commerce, supply chain management, Web hosting, and global marketing and customer support. Businesses also increasingly use the Internet to create secure data networks known as virtual private networks among corporate sites, remote offices and telecommuters.To meet the growing demand for high-speed, high-bandwidth data transmission, network service providers have installed high-bandwidth fiber optic transmission equipment, high-speed switches and core routers in the Internet backbone and in interoffice networks. While this network backbone is capable of delivering data at very high speeds, an access bottleneck exists between the ends of these fiber optic networks at telephone companies' central offices and the end users' premises. The copper line connections between the central office and the end user are commonly known as the "last mile." Last mile connections are typically made via dial-up analog or integrated services digital network, commonly known as ISDN, modems over the copper infrastructure that was originally built to transmit analog voice signals. Data transmission speed, otherwise known as bandwidth, is typically expressed in bits per second. Along the fiber optic network backbone, data moves at speeds up to 2.5 billion bits per second, or 2.5 Gbps, while analog modems transmit data at rates up to 56.6 thousand bits per second, or 56.6 Kbps, and most ISDN modems transmit at rates up to 128 Kbps. Even at ISDN speeds, several minutes are often required to access a media rich Website, and several hours may be required to transfer or download large files. During this time, the telephone line cannot be used for any other purpose. This bottleneck frustrates end users and limits the capability of network service providers to deliver applications such as efficient Internet access, multimedia entertainment, real-time telecommuting and branch office internetworking.In an effort to provide greater bandwidth, telecommunications network sevice providers have traditionally deployed T1 services. A T1 line is a high- capacity, dedicated telecommunications line which can support data transmissions rates of up to 1.5 million bits per second, or 1.5 Mbps, which is roughly 25 times the speed of analog modems. Although T1 services have helped fill the need for broadband access for large businesses, network service providers have generally been unable to offer T1 services to small businesses, remote offices, telecommuters and consumers as a result of the complexity and high costs of deployment. Because analog and ISDN modem technology fails to satisfy the bandwidth needs of end users, and T1 access is prohibitively expensive, network service providers continue to seek alternatives for providing cost-effective broadband access to both businesses and consumers. Additionally, the continued growth in both the number of analog modem users and their time spent connected to the Internet congests many network service providers' networks while providing them with little or no additional revenue.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Relative to your answer in Assignment 1 .... what's your take on the design of the enrollment system?

Relative to your answer in Assignment 1 .... what's your take on the design of the enrollment system?

My take on the design of the enrollment system is, it is much better than the previous years. I can say that it is really improving. As what I've notice on the design of the enrollment system, I think the step one (1) and step five (5) is making the system long, because in that step the student will go to the student accounts twice, why not make it one. As what I observe also I suggest that having more windows at the cashiers area would not make the students spending a lot of time there. I guess the system is not that bad anymore because I cannot think of any recommendation for improvement anymore because when I did not spent my whole day there not like my previous years..

Thursday, July 8, 2010

enrollment system

The University of Southeastern Philippines adopted an enrollment system for this school year 2010-2011. The adopted enrollment system is a good step for the school. Enrollment system is useful especially when the school retrieves the important information from the student. A well built enrollment system can reduce the load on the people that normally have to-do all the work but lack of enrollment system in a school it can lead to chaos and troubles, the students will be confuse on what they should do and how they will do to be able to enroll. In the enrollment system, the school can trace what are the standings of the students and can also retrieve the profile of each student. It is extremely useful in the school in the way of making the processes of enrolling much easy.

For Old Students
First, the all Student Accounts must be cleared first; they must check the student accounts, check the balance, and then clearance signing. After that the next step is go to their respected college and present all the enrollment requirements. But before they will present all the requirements they must go to their assigned adviser for advising for subjects so that they can get and fill up the pre-registration form, after it was filled up, the student must pay the other fees of the Local council, OCSC, Headlight and Insurance. After that the student will submit the pre-registration form so that the subjects will be encoded. After that a temporary COR will be given. If the student is a scholar the student will go to the students accounts and submit the temporary COR. For non-scholars, the student will pay at the cashier and submit the temporary COR then an official receipt will be given. Than the sixth step is the student will go to registrar’s office and submit the enrollment requirements (the Official receipt of tuition and other fees) then after that, the official COR will be given to the student.

For New and Transferees
First, the student will go to UGTO. They will encode the student information and also they will assign an ID number for the student. Next, go to the OSS (this is for the scholars only). The student must get and fill up the scholarship application then wait for the releasing of scholarship cards. After that, the student will go to ROTC or CWTS the they will register there and they will have the assign sectioning of CWTS or ROTC students, then their CWTS or ROTC slip will b released. The fourth step is they must go to their respected college and present all the enrollment requirements. But before they will present all the requirements they must go to their assigned adviser for advising for subjects so that they can get and fill up the pre-registration form, after it was filled up, the student must pay the other fees of the Local council, OCSC, Headlight and Insurance. After that the student will submit the pre-registration form so that the subjects will be encoded. After that a temporary COR will be given. If the student is a scholar the student will go to the students accounts and submit the temporary COR. For non-scholars, the student will pay at the cashier and submit the temporary COR then an official receipt will be given. Than the sixth step is the student will go to registrar’s office and submit the enrollment requirements (the Form 138 -high school card, the Photocopy of NSO Birth certificate, the USEPAT entrance exam result, the Admission slip, the Medical certificate, the Certificate of Good Moral –original, the 2x2 recent ID picture- must be 2 pieces, the prospectus of the enrolled course, a Long brown envelop, the Official receipt of tuition and other fees) then after that, the official COR will be given to the student.

For Student Who Shift Courses
First, the all Student Accounts must be cleared first; they must check the student accounts, check the balance, and then clearance signing. Before the student will proceed to the next step, the student must go to its Former College and have a Request to shift form and fill it up. Then the student must also get a recommendation to shift. After that the student will go to its new college then have an acceptance to shift. Then the student can proceed now to the next step, the advising for subject and fill up the pre-registration form. The fourth step is, the student will go to UGTO/OSS for student profile uploading, then after that the student must pay the other fees of the Local council, OCSC, Headlight and Insurance. After that the student will submit the pre-registration form so that the subjects will be encoded. After that a temporary COR will be given. If the student is a scholar the student will go to the students accounts and submit the temporary COR. For non-scholars, the student will pay at the cashier and submit the temporary COR then an official receipt will be given. Than the sixth step is the student will go to registrar’s office and submit the enrollment requirements (the Official receipt of tuition and other fees) then after that, the official COR will be given to the student.

In the enrollment system, the school can trace what are the standings of the students and can also retrieve the profile of each student. It is extremely useful in the school in the way of making the processes of enrolling much easy.

For my observation, hmmm.. SY 2010- 2011 enrollment system is much better that the previous years. I can say that it is really improving. As what I observe I suggest that they will have more windows at the cashiers area so that the students will not be spending a lot of time there. I guess the system is not that bad anymore because I cannot think of any recommendation for improvement anymore because when I enrolled last time it was okay and I did not have a hard time. I did not spent my whole day there not like my previous years.. It's a thumbs up for me..

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

committee of 300

The story of committee of 300 that I’ve read was written by Dr. John Coleman. He stated in that paper how he come up with those Conspirators' Hierarchy. He stated in that paper his career as a professional intelligence officer and as a political science officer that’s why he had a chance to access highly classified documents. He also stated the place he visited for his service like Angola, West Africa. He also had a change to state there the groups or secret societies that he find out during that time. Like Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderbergers, Trilaterals, the Zionists, Freemasonry, Bolshevism- Rosicrucianism, the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Club of Rome the German Marshall Fund, the Cini Foundation, the Round Table, the Fabianists, the Venetian Black Nobility, the Mont Pelerin Society, Hellfire Clubs. In 1969-1970 he set about remedying the situation in a series of monographs and cassette tapes. He pursued his investigations, pressing on in the face of severe risks, attacks on himself and his wife, financial losses, continual harassment, threats and calumny, all part of a carefully-crafted and orchestrated program to discredit him, run by government agents and informers, embedded in the so-called Christian rightwing, the "Identity Movement" and rightwing "patriotic" groups. These agents operated, and still operate, under cover of strong and fearless outspoken opposition to Judaism their main enemy. They would have people believe. Those agent-informers are led and controlled by a group of homosexuals who are well liked and well-respected by political and religious conservatives all across the United States. Their program of calumny, lies and hatred, disinformation about his work. He carried on with his task until he have finally ripped off the mask of the entire secret upper-level parallel government that runs Britain and the U.S. The book that I’ve read is a part of his ongoing effort.

On 30th April 1981, he wrote a monograph disclosing the existence of the Club of Rome identifying it as a Committee of 300 subversive bodies. This was the first mention of these organizations in the United States. That secret groups are the servants of the One World Government-New World Order. Who are the conspirators who serve the mighty all-powerful Committee of 300? The better-informed of our citizens are aware that there is a conspiracy and that the conspiracy goes under various names such as the Illuminati. The Committee of 300 long ago decreed that there should be a smaller—much smaller--and better world, that is, their idea of what constitutes a better world. The myriads of useless eaters consuming scarce natural resources were to be culled. Industrial progress supports population growth. Therefore the command to multiply and subdue the earth found in Genesis had to be subverted. This called for an attack upon Christianity; the slow but sure disintegration of industrial nation states; the destruction of hundreds of millions of people, referred to by the Committee of 300 as "surplus population, " and the removal of any leader who dared to stand in the way of the Committee's global planning to reach the foregoing objectives.
Italy was chosen as a test-target by the Committee of 300. Italy is important to the
conspirators' plans because it is the closest European country to the Middle East linked to Middle East economics and politics. It is also the home of the Catholic Church, which Weishaupt ordered destroyed, and home for some of Europe's most powerful top oligarchical families of the ancient Black Nobility. Should Italy have been weakened by Moro's death, it would have had repercussions in the Middle East which would have weakened U.S. influence in the region. Italy is important for another reason; it is a gateway for drugs entering Europe from Iran and Lebanon. Various groups had combined under the name of socialism to bring about the downfall of several Italian governments since the Club of Rome was established in 1968.

What are the goals of the secret elite group, the inheritors of Illuminism (Moriah Conquering Wind), the Cult of Dionysius, the Cult of Isis, Catharism, Bogomilism? This elite group that also calls itself the OLYMPIANS (they truly believe they are equal in power and stature to the legendary gods of Olympus, who have, like Lucifer their god, set
themselves above our true God) absolutely believe they have been charged with implementing
the following by divine right:
(1) A One World Government-New World Order with a unified church and monetary system under their direction. Not many people are aware that the One World Government began setting up its "church" in the 1920's/1930's, for they realized the need for a religious belief inherent in mankind to have an outlet and, therefore, set up a "church" body to channel that belief in the direction they desired.
(2) The utter destruction of all national identity and national pride.
(3) The destruction of religion and more especially the Christian religion, with the one exception, their own creation mentioned above.
(4) Control of each and every person through means of mind control and what Brzezinski call "technotronics" which would create human-like robots and a system of terror beside which Felix Dzerzinski's Red Terror will look like children at play.
(5) An end to all industrialization and the production of nuclear generated electric power in what they call "the post-industrial zero-growth society." Exempted are the computer and service industries. United States industries that remain will be exported to countries such as Mexico where abundant slave labor is available. Unemployables in the wake of industrial destruction will either become opium-heroin and or cocaine addicts, or become statistics in the elimination process we know today as Global 2000.
(6) Legalization of drugs and pornography.
(7) Depopulation of large cities according to the trial run carried out by the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. It is interesting to note that Pol Pot's genocidal plans were drawn up here in the United States by one of the Club of Rome's research foundations. It is also interesting that the Committee is presently seeking to reinstate the Pol Pot butchers in Cambodia.
(8) Suppression of all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Committee. Especially targeted is nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Particularly hated are the fusion experiments presently being scorned and ridiculed by the Committee and its jackals of the press. Development of the fusion torch would blow the Committee's conception of "limited natural resources" right out of the window. A fusion torch properly used could create unlimited untappeed natural resources from the most ordinary substances. Fusion torch uses are legion and would benefit mankind in a manner which is as yet not even remotely comprehended by the public.
(9) Cause by means of limited wars in the advanced countries, and by means of starvation and diseases in Third World countries, the death of 3 billion people by the year 2000, people they call "useless eaters." The Committee of 300 commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how best to bring about such genocide. The paper was produced under the title the "Global 2000 Report" and was accepted and approved for action by President Carter, for and on behalf of the U.S. Government, and accepted by Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of State. Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report, the population of the United States is to be reduced by 100 million by the year 2050.
(10)To weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demoralize workers in the labor class by creating mass unemployment. As jobs dwindle due to the post industrial zero growth policies introduced by the Club of Rome, demoralized and discouraged workers will resort to alcohol and drugs. The youth of the land will be encouraged by means of rock music and drugs to rebel against the status quo, thus undermining and eventually destroying the family unit. In this regard The Committee of 300 commissioned Tavistock Institute to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved. Tavistock directed Stanford Research to undertake the work under the direction of Professor Willis Harmon. This work later became known as "The Aquarian Conspiracy."
(11)To keep peple everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another and then "managing" such crises. This will confuse and demoralize the population to the extent where faced with too many choices, apathy on a massive scale will result. In the case of the United States, an agency for crisis management is already in place. It is called the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), whose existence I first disclosed in 1980. There will be more on FEMA as we proceed.
(12)To introduce new cults and continue to boost those already functioning which includes rock "music" gangsters such as the filthy, degenerate Mick Jagger's "Rolling Stones" (a gangster group much favored by European Black Nobility) and all of the Tavistock-created "rock" groups which began with "The Beatles." To continue to build up the cult of Christian fundamentalism begun by the British East India Company's servant, Darby, which will be misused to strengthen the Zionist state of Israel through identifying with the Jews through the myth of "God's Chosen People" and by donating very substantial amounts of money to what they mistakenly believe is a religious cause in
the furtherance of Christianity.
(14)To press for the spread of religious cults such as the Moslem Brotherhood, Moslem fundamentalism, the Sikhs, and to carry out experiments of the Jim Jones and "Son of Sam" type of murders. It is worth noting that the late Ayatollah Khomeini was a creation of British Intelligence Military Intelligence Division 6, commonly known as M16, as I reported in my 1985 work, "What Really Happened In Iran."
(15)To export "religious liberation" ideas around the world so as to undermine all existing religions but more especially the Christian religion. This began with "Jesuit Liberation Theology" which brought about the downfall of the Somoza family rule in Nicaragua and which is today destroying EI Salvador, now 25 years into a "civil war," Costa Rica and Honduras. One very active entity engaged in so-called liberation theology is the Communist oriented Mary Knoll Mission. This accounts for the extensive media attention to the murder of four of Mary Knoll's so-called nuns in EI Salvador a few years ago. The four nuns were Communist subversive agents and their activities were widely documented by the government of EI Salvador. The United States press and news media refused to give any space or coverage to the mass of documentation in possession of the Salvadorian government, documentation which proves what the Mary Knoll Mission nuns were doing in the country. Mary Knoll is in service in many countries, and played a leading role in bringing Communism to Rhodesia, Mozambique, Angola and South
(16)To cause a total collapse of the world's economies and engender total political chaos.
(17)To take control of all Foreign and domestic policies of the United States.
(18)To give the fullest support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations (UN), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the World Court and, as far as possible, make local institutions of lesser effect by gradually phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle of the United Nations.
(19)Penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of nations represented by them.
(20)Organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus and negoti- ate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place. It will be recalled that it was Bettino Craxi who persuaded the Italian and U.S. governments to negotiate with the Red Brigades kidnapers of Prime Minister Moro and General Dozier. As an aside, General Dozier is under orders not to talk about what happened to him. Should he break that silence, he will no doubt be made "a horrible example of" in the manner in which Kissinger dealt with Aldo Moro, Ali Bhutto and Gen- eral Zia ul Haq.
(21)Take control of education in America with the intent and purpose of utterly and completely destroying it.

According to Von Hayek, the United States economic platform must be based on (a) Urban Black Markets (b) Small Hong Kong-type industries utilizing sweat-shop labor (c) The Tourist Trade, (d) Free Enterprise Zones where speculators can operate unhindered and where the drug trade can flourish (e) End of all industrial activity and (f) Close down all nuclear energy plants. Von Hayek's ideas dove-tail perfectly with those of the Club of Rome, which is perhaps why he is so well promoted in rightwing circles in this country. The mantle of Von Hayek is being passed to a new, younger economist, Jeoffrey Sachs, who was sent to Poland to take up where Von Hayek left off. It will he recalled that the Club of Rome organized the Polish economic crisis which led to political destabilization of the country. The exact same economic planning, if one dare call it that, will be forced upon Russia, but if widespread opposition is encountered, the old price-support system will quickly be restored.
The Committee of 300 ordered the Club of Rome to use Polish nationalism as a tool to destroy the Catholic Church and pave the way for Russian troops to reoccupy the country. The "Solidarity" movement was a creation of the Committee of 300's bigniew Brzezinski, who chose the name for the "trade union" and selected its office holders and organizers. Solidarity is no "labor" movement, although Gdansk shipyard workers were used to launch it, but rather, it was a high-profile POLITCAL organization, created to bring forced changes in preparation for the advent of the One World Government.
Brzezinski went on to say that our society "is now in an information revolution based on amusement focus, spectator spectacles (saturation coverage by television of sporting events) which provide an opiate for an increasingly purposeless mass." Was Brzezinski another seer and a prophet? Could he see into the future? The answer is NO; what he wrote in his book was simply copied from the Committee of 300's blueprint given to the Club of Rome for execution. Isn't it true that by 1991 we already have a purposeless mass of citizens? We could say that 30 million unemployed and 4 million homeless people are a "purposeless mass," or at least the nucleus of one.

Bernard Levin is probably not a name that is well-known in the United States. Unlike decadent "pop stars" or Hollywood's latest miserable "discovery, " academics seldom if ever come before the public eye. Of the hundreds of academics in the United States working under the Control of the Club of Rome, Levin is worthy of special mention, if for no reason other than his role in undermining Iran, the Philippines, South Africa, Nicaragua and South Korea. The demise of the Shah of Iran was run to a plan devised by Bernard Levin and Richard Falk, and supervised by Robert Anderson's Aspen Institute.

Levin was the author of a work entitled "Time Perspective and Morale" which is a Club of Rome publication concerning how to break down the morale of nations and individual leaders. Here is an extract of the document: "One of the main techniques for breaking morale through a strategy of terror consists in exactly this tactic: keep the person hazy as to where he stands and just what he may expect. In addition, if frequent vacillations between severe disciplinary measures and promise of good treatment together with the spreading of contradictory news make the structure of the situ-tion unclear, then the individual may cease to know whether a particular plan would lead toward or away from his goal. Under these conditions, even those individuals who have definite goals and are ready to take risks are paralyzed by the severe inner conflict in regard to what to do."

This Club of Rome blueprint applies to COUNTRIES as well as to individuals, particularly the government leaders of those countries. The Club of Rome feels confident that it has carried out it Committee of 300 mandate to "soften up" the United States. After 45 years of waging war on the people of this nation, who will doubt that it has indeed accomplished its task? Look around and see how we have been demoralized. Drugs, pornography rock and roll "music," free sex, the family unit all but totally undermined, lesbianism, homosexuality and finally the ghastly murder of millions of innocent babies by their own mothers. Has there ever been a crime so vile as mass abortion?

The Club of Rome has succeeded in splitting the Christian churches; it has succeeded in building up an army of charismatics fundamentalists and evangelicals who will fight for the Zionist State of Israel. The Committee of 300 has planted its agents in the muscle and sinew of the United States, in its government, in Congress, in advisory posts around the President, as ambassadors and as Secretaries of State. From time to time the Club of Rome holds gatherings and conferences which, although they appear under innocuous titles, break up into action committees, each of which is assigned a specific task and a specific target date by which time their assignments must be completed. If it does nothing else, the Committee of 300 is working to a very specific time- table. The first Club of Rome conference in the United States was called by the Committee of 300 in 1969 under the title: "The Association of the Club of Rome. " The next meeting was held in 1970 under the title "Riverdale Center of Religious Research" and was directed by Thomas Burney. Then followed the Wood-lands Conference held in Houston, Texas, starting in 1971 Thereafter, regular conferences have been held at Woodlands every year. Also in 1971, at a later date, the Mitchell Energy and Development Corporation held its energy strategy meeting for the Club of Rome: The recurring theme: LIMIT THE GROWTH OF THE U.S.A. Then to crown it all, the First Global Conference on the Future was held in July of 1980, attended by 4000 social engineers and members of think tanks, all of whom were members of or affiliated with various institutions operating under Club of Rome umbrella organizations.

Moving to Design

Moving to Design

The group 1 topic is all about Moving to design. That topic was the continuation of the topics discussed before in our sad 1. The group one had a theory discussion and also application sharing. In the theory discussion they discussed the issues related to managing and coordinating the design phase. They also explain the major components and levels of design. They also describe each design phase activity. They also describe the common deployment environments and matching application architectures. In this topic chapter they explained and completes the transition from analysis to design also they discusses issues related to design of new system and describes all design phase activities, lastly they describes network and architecture design. In the application sharing they told us that they went to samulco they told us about the architecture of the company system and the structure of the company network. On understanding the elements of design, the reporters discussed that design is a process of describing, organizing, and structuring system components at architectural design level and detailed design level. They also give points that in having a design we must focused on construction like developing blueprints and we always keep on mind the three questions: what components require systems design, what are inputs to and outputs of design process, how is systems design done.

Talking about moving from Analysis to Design is an interesting topic, design converts functional models from analysis into models that represent the solution. Design must focused on technical issues it requires less user involvement than analysis. Design may use structured or OO approaches, database can be relational, OO or hybrid. Systems design is the process or art of defining the architecture, components, modules, interfaces, and data for a system to satisfy specified requirements. One could see it as the application of systems theory to product development. There is some overlap with the disciplines of systems analysis, systems architecture and systems engineering. System design is to deliver the requirements as specified in the feasibility report. The main objectives of the design are first practicality, second efficiency, third cost, fourth flexibility, and fifth security. System design contains Logical Design and Physical Designing; logical designing describes the structure and characteristics or features, like output, input, files, database and procedures. The physical design, are those who follows the logical design, actual software and a working system. There will be constraints like Hardware, Software, Cost, Time and Interfaces. The processing techniques are batch processing, real-time, online, and lastly the combination of all. Structured design is a data flow methodology. The graphical representation of data flow, communication and defining the modules and their relationship with each is known as Structure Chart. This method decomposes and modularizes the system so that the complexity and manageability will come down. Thus reducing the intuitive reasoning and promotes the maintainable provable systems. This type of design follows top-down and hierarchy, which will have one single entry and single exit, The advantages of this method are first critical interfaces are tested first. Second, early versions of the design, through incomplete are useful enough to resemble the real system. Third, structuring provides control and improves morale. Fourth, the procedural characteristics define the order that determines processing.
The major system design activities are first DB design, second, program design, third, system and program test preparation, fourth, system interface specification, fifth, audit consideration, and lastly audit control and documentation control. The major design process parts are O/p design, I/p design, File Design, Procedure design, Computer design, Non-computer design, and Control design. These parts are inter-dependent on each other. System Specifications is a document, which will have a result of system design process, it serves as a Blue print for the project development and maintenance. Prototype is a working system that is developed to test ideas and assumptions about a new system. Objectives of Input Design are controlling amount of I/p, avoiding delay, avoiding errors in data, avoiding extra steps, and keeping the process simple. Major concerns about the input: 1. What input is needed 2. How & where is i/p is created 3. How should source documents designed 4. What format should be used for Input 5. What medium should be used to store data. Input Verification can be done using key verification, use of self checking numbers, visual display, hash total, checking between range, reasonableness test, verification of codes, verification of data type, verify combination data. Sequence check concerns for designing a CRT i/p screen. 1. Easy to use, 2. Improved processing speed, 3. Menu driven Approach, 4. Highlighting the information on screen, 5. Usage of appropriate colors, 6. Editing thru display screens. Types of Outputs are application o/p and also operating O/p. Output devices are VDU, Printer, Computer output Microfilm (COM). Output Design Consideration are done using following points: Type of user and purpose, that has content and format. Frequency and times that has volume and sequence quality and type of stationary .
Systems are created to solve problems. One can think of the systems approach as an organized way of dealing with a problem. In this dynamic world, The subject System Analysis and Design, mainly deals with the software development activities. Assuming that a new system is to be developed, the next phase is system analysis. Analysis involved a detailed study of the current system, leading to specifications of a new system. Analysis is a detailed study of various operations performed by a system and their relationships within and outside the system. During analysis, data are collected on the available files, decision points and transactions handled by the present system. Interviews, on-site observation and questionnaire are the tools used for system analysis. Using the following steps it becomes easy to draw the exact boundary of the new system under consideration: Keeping in view the problems and new requirements. Workout the pros and cons including new areas of the system
All procedures, requirements must be analyzed and documented in the form of detailed data flow diagrams (DFDs), data dictionary, logical data structures and miniature specifications. System Analysis also includes sub-dividing of complex process involving the entire system, identification of data store and manual processes.
The main points to be discussed in system analysis are: Specification of what the new system is to accomplish based on the user requirements. Functional hierarchy showing the functions to be performed by the new system and their relationship with each other. Function network which are similar to function hierarchy but they highlight the those functions which are common to more than one procedure. List of attributes of the entities - these are the data items which need to be held about each entity (record)
Let’s talk about System Design. Based on the user requirements and the detailed analysis of a new system, the new system must be designed. This is the phase of system designing. It is a most crucial phase in the development of a system. Normally, the design proceeds in two stages : preliminary or general design; Structure or detailed design.
Preliminary or general design: In the preliminary or general design, the features of the new system are specified. The costs of implementing these features and the benefits to be derived are estimated. If the project is still considered to be feasible, we move to the detailed design stage.
Structure or Detailed design: In the detailed design stage, computer oriented work begins in earnest. At this stage, the design of the system becomes more structured. Structure design is a blue print of a computer system solution to a given problem having the same components and inter-relationship among the same components as the original problem. Input, output and processing specifications are drawn up in detail. In the design stage, the programming language and the platform in which the new system will run are also decided.
There are several tools and techniques used for designing. These tools and techniques are: Flowchart, Data flow diagram (DFDs), Data dictionary, Structured English, Decision table, Decision tree.

Points to be considered while designing a Menu, it must be first, hierarchical. Second, termination. Third, skipping Menu. Fourth, security control. Types of Forms are action, memory and report. Computer Graphics are of three types:1. Presentation graphics, 2. Decision support Graphics, 3. Graphics Hardware/software. Different types of files are master, transaction, backup, archive, table, report, dump and library. File organizations are sequential /relational, random, indexed. Major criteria for selecting a File organization are 1. Method of processing of file, 2. Size of data, 3. File inquiry capability, 4. File volatility, 5. Response time, 6. Activity ratio. A database is a set of logically related files organized to facilitate access by one or more applications programs & to minimize data redundancy. Main objectives of DB are 1. Eliminate the redundancy of data, 2. Data integrity, 3. Share data among users.

The logical design of a system pertains to an abstract representation of the data flows, inputs and outputs of the system. This is often conducted via modeling, which involves a simplistic (and sometimes graphical) representation of an actual system. In the context of systems design, modeling can undertake the following forms, including: Data flow diagrams, Entity Life Histories, Entity Relationship Diagrams.
The physical design relates to the actual input and output processes of the system. This is laid down in terms of how data is inputted into a system, how it is verified/authenticated, how it is processed, and how it is displayed as output.
Physical design, in this context, does not refer to the tangible physical design of an information system. To use an analogy, a personal computer's physical design involves input via a keyboard, processing within the CPU, and output via a monitor, printer, and the like. It would not concern the actual layout of the tangible hardware, which for a PC would be a monitor, CPU, motherboard, hard drive, modems, video/graphics cards, USB slots, and the like.

User interface issues are Network specialists establish network based on strategic plan, Project team typically integrates system into existing network, Technical requirements have to do with communication via networks, Technical issues handled by network specialists: Reliability, security, throughput, synchronization. Design the Application Architecture specify how system activities are carried out, described during system analysis as logical models, after design alternative is selected, detailed computer processing is designed as physical models such as: physical data flow diagrams, structure charts, interaction diagrams, approach varies depending on development and deployment environments. User interface quality is critical aspect of system. Design of user interface defines how user interacts with system. Interaction in GUI like windows, dialog boxes, mouse interaction, sound, video, voice commands. Systems interfaces enable systems to share and exchange information. Internal organization systems interfaces with system outside organization. New system interfacing with package application that organization has purchased and installed. System interfaces can be complex. Organization needs very specialized technical skills to work on these interfaces. System analysis data model used to create physical database model. Collection of traditional computer files, relational database, and/or object-oriented databases. Technical requirements, such as response times, determine database performance needs. Design work might involve: Performance tuning, Integration between new and existing databases. Prototypes confirm design choices, these choices are Database, Network architecture, Controls, and Programming environment. Rapid application development’s (RAD) design prototypes evolve into finished system. Final design activity to ensure system has adequate safeguards (system controls) to protect organizational assets. Controls are needed for all other design activities. User interface – limit access to authorized users. System interface – protect from other systems. Application architecture – record transactions. Database – protect from software/hardware failure. Network design – protect communications.

As project team grows – structure may change. There are coordinating Information such as; CASE tools and central repository, team communication and information coordination, track open items and unresolved issues. In deployment environment definition bridges analysis and design there are hardware, System software, and Networking. They are the common deployment environments in which system will operate and related design patterns and architectures for application software. A Single-computer architecture is a mainframe-based, it is Limited by single machine capacity. A clustered and multi-computer architecture is a group of computers to provide processing and data storage capacity and it is a cluster acts as a single system. A Multi computer hardware/OS can be less similar than clustered. Centralized and Distributed Architecture distributes system across several computers and locations, it relies on communication networks for geographic connectivity. Client-server architecture dominant model for distributed computing. Computer Networks is a set of transmission lines, specialized hardware, and communication protocols, it enables communication among different users and computer systems. Local area network (LAN) less than one kilometer long – connects computers within single building. Wide area network (WAN) over one kilometer long – implies much greater, global, distances. Router – directs information within network. Internet – Global collection of networks that use TCP/IP networking protocols. Intranets are private networks using same TCP/IP protocol as the Internet.
Intranet that has been extended outside the organization. Application Architecture consists of standards and tools used in an organization, its important components are language environment and expertise, existing CASE tools and methodologies, required interfaces to other systems, operating system environment, database management system environment. Client-Server divides programs into two types, the server and the client. Server – manages information system resources or provides well defined services for client. Client – communicates with server to request resources or services. It’s advantage is the deployment flexibility, its location also is an advantage, also the scalability, maintainability. It’s disadvantage potential performance, security, and reliability issues from network communication

There are Three-Layer Client-Server Architecture. Layers can reside on one processor or be distributed to multiple processors. The three layers are; Data layer – manages stored data in databases, business logic layer – implements rules and procedures of business processing, view layer – accepts user input and formats and displays processing results
In Internet and Web-based Application Architecture, it is given much attention that web is complex example of client-server architecture. Can use Web protocols and browsers as application interfaces. The benefits of it are accessibility, Low-cost communication, Widely implemented standards. In the Network Design they explain integrated network needs of new system with existing network infrastructure. They describe processing activity and network connectivity at each system location. Describe communications protocols and middleware that connects layers. They also told us we must ensure that network capacity is sufficient and look at data size per access type and average and Peak number of access per minute or hour.
UML stands for Unified Modeling Language. It represents a unification of the concepts. The goal is for UML to become a common language for creating models of object oriented computer software. A class icon is simply a rectangle divided into three compartments. The topmost compartment contains the name of the class. The middle compartment contains a list of attributes (member variables), and the bottom compartment contains a list of operations (member functions). In many diagrams, the bottom two compartments are omitted. Even when they are present, they typically do not show every attribute and operations. The goal is to show only those attributes and operations that are useful for the particular diagram. This ability to abbreviate an icon is one of the hallmarks of UML. Each diagram has a particular purpose. That purpose may be to highlight on particular part of the system, or it may be to illuminate the system in general. The class icons in such diagrams are abbreviated as necessary. There is typically never a need to show every attribute and operation of a class on any diagram. A peculiar triangular arrowhead depicts the inheritance relationship in UML. This arrowhead, that looks rather like a slice of pizza, points to the base class. One or more lines proceed from the base of the arrowhead connecting it to the derived classes. The weak form of aggregation is denoted with an open diamond. This relationship denotes that the aggregate class (the class with the white diamond touching it) is in some way the “whole”, and the other class in the relationship is somehow “part” of that whole. What is the difference between an aggregation and an association? The difference is one of implication. Aggregation denotes whole/part relationships whereas associations do not. However, there is not likely to be much difference in the way that the two relationships are implemented. That is, it would be very difficult to look at the code and determine whether a particular relationship ought to be aggregation or association. Sometimes the relationship between a two classes is very weak. They are not implemented with member variables at all. Rather they might be implemented as member function arguments. Use Case is set of scenarios related by a common actor and a goal. A description of sequences of actions performed by a given system to produce a result for an actor. Use cases specify the expected behavior what, and not the exact method of making it happen how. Use cases are created based on identified functional requirements but are not mapped one-to-one to requirements. Use cases once specified can be denoted using a clear and precise visual modeling language such as UML. Actors represent roles that humans, hardware devices, or external systems play while interacting with a given system. They are not part of the system and are situated outside of the system boundary. Actors may be both at input and output ends of a use case

To sum up all systems design is process of organizing and structuring components of system to allow construction (programming) of new system. Design phase of project consists of activities that relate to design of components of new system. Application architecture, user interfaces, system interfaces, database, network diagram, system controls. Prototyping may be required to specify any part or all of the design. Inputs to design activities are diagrams, or models, built during analysis. Outputs of design are also set of diagrams, or models, to describe architecture of new system and detailed logic of programming components. Inputs, design activities, and outputs are different depending on whether a structured approach or an object-oriented approach is used. Architectural design adapts to development environment and decomposes design into layers.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Hi, I'm Rosemie Pernes Nunez, 19 years old..
4th yr
I expect that this subject would give us lot of new experiences and learning.
I'm excited !!! GODBLESS US ALL..:)HAv a NICE dAy!!!!
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Friday, June 11, 2010


Hello!!! This is my page for my SAD2 subject.. :)