Thursday, September 2, 2010

Contrast and discuss the enrolment input form (PRF) with the enrolment university interface.

The (PRF), or Pre Registration Form is used to get an input from the student. It is a form that will be filled up by the students to provide the necessary information needed for enrollment process. Pre Registration Form is always use every semester during enrollment. It a form where the students put the information needed in the enrollment process like name, college, course, gender, and ID number. The students also put there the code, subject name, subject description of the subjects that the student will take in the current semester, how many units each of the subjects, the schedule of the subject that includes the time, day and room. Before the encoder encodes the information, the Pre Registration Form must have a signature of the student’s adviser to make sure that the student is qualify or valid to take the subject written in the Pre Registration Form.

The enrollment university interface is part of the automated enrollment system of the university where interaction of the user and the system starts. It is the display on the screen that is made with many commands. The enrollment university interface is where the data from the Pre Registration Form is transferred and stored. The user of the enrollment university interface is the encoder. The encoder is the only person who has the authority to manipulate the system. The students have no role in this part (manipulating the system) but the students are part of how the system process because the information that will be inputted in the system came from the students.

The Pre Registration Form and the enrollment university interface are related to each other because they both have the same data, and that data comes from the student. The difference is, in the Pre Registration Form the data are can be compiled and kept but during the retrieval of data Pre Registration Form consumes a lot of time compared to enrollment university interface. While, in the enrollment university interface retrieval of data in seconds is possible, other manipulation is also possible like edit, delete.

With regards to the appearance of the Pre Registration Form and the enrollment university interface, I can say that they must be in the same format. Why? So that it would be easier to the encoder to put the data that are based from the Pre Registration Form, transferred to the enrollment university interface. If the Pre Registration Form and the enrollment university interface appearance were not similar, the information stored is prone to errors and it would lead to an issue of data integrity.

As what I’ve observe in the Pre Registration Form and the enrollment university interface, they are not really similarly. Like in the Pre Registration Form name was the first field to be inputted but in the enrollment university interface ID number was the first. Another fact is, there was a field in the Pre Registration Form that if the student is employed, the student will put the address of the employer, I can say that it is better not to include that field because it does not make sense and when I look at the enrollment university interface there was no field like that. The same as in the Scholarship field at the Pre Registration Form, I cannot find that scholarship field at the enrollment university interface. The room field, time field, day field and also the section field both have different position at Pre Registration Form and the enrollment university interface.

I think the encoder would have a hard time encoding those thousands of information every enrollment, and even though the encoder is used to that kind of format there is a high risk of error. The problem is just a format and placement of the field at Pre Registration Form and enrollment university interface but it place a vital role when enrollment is conducted because when the encoder encode a wrong data it would consume time to edit the data and it would cause a long enrollment process.

I recommend that it would be better if the university would change the Pre Registration Form and based the placing format to the enrollment university interface so that it would be easier to encode and can have less time than the previous enrollment.

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